
Two friends are on holiday together, but one of them is struggling to keep up. He sits down on a bench for a moment, but soon dozes off.


Home feat. James Witt

Sophie and her husband Graham regret letting Sophie’s cousin Claire stay with them when she gets a bit too comfortable and starts to take over the house.


Let It Out

Two co-workers try to stretch and let out their emotions in a designated relaxation room, but keep getting distracted by each other and the increasingly involved set of rules that one of them insists on.



A father takes his gaming obsessed teenage son out shopping, but first has to remind him how to cross the road.



A small town cinema. The film has finished playing, but a couple on a date stay quietly chatting at the back and eating popcorn. They discuss the outside world and the kind of monsters people can become if they’re not willing to sensibly block out the worst excesses of modern culture.
